online reading then you must have tried ways to make the experience better. It is obvious that the browser – as it comes from the factory – does not help you a lot. You have to tweak it, add more tools (read add-ons) and use certain web services to comply with your requisites. How would it be to acquaint yourself with a tool that caters to multiple needs and converges all the browsing (more specifically, reading) add-ons under a single umbrella? We will talk about a super bookmarklet and web service that lets you perform multiple operations on the pages that you visit and then allows you to access them anywhere and on any device. Cool Tip: Another way of enhancing internet reading and research experience is to have Google open search results in a new tab page, always. Diigo is by far one of the best reading assistants that I have come across. As an organizing tool it has various plans and we will look into the abilities of the free version. To begin with you will have to visit the Diigo website and sign up for an account. Once you fill in the form and submit your details you will receive a verification email. At the end of this exercise you will own a Diigo account which indeed is the cloud of all your online data, henceforth. The moment you verify your account, you will be navigated to the Diigo tool page. Like all other bookmarklets drag and drop the Diigolet on your preferred browser’s bookmark bar. If you want you can check out the Diigo toolbar, but that’s a different thing altogether. Once you have the bookmarklet, you become a superman with online reading. Clicking on it renders some tools (of course you must be signed into the web service) on the top right of the web page you are reading. Here’s what comes with each one of them.
As the name suggests you can highlight pieces of text on a web page so that you do not have to look for it next time you visit the same page. Or maybe when your share it with a friend he can find it easily. To make this more interesting you can choose the color of the highlighter ink.
Sticky Note
If you want to be reminded about something when you visit a specific web page at a later point of time, nothing works better than an online stick note. And when it is available in such integrated form there is no question on putting it to use. They work very well in helping you take side notes while you are reading online. Ever tried them? Do it right away.
We all know what bookmarking means. But Diigo combines all the bookmarking features and systems to make it really easy. You can bookmark a standalone page or even operate on the annotated one (with highlights and sticky notes). Even more than that you can add tags and description to whatever you mark. You know how that helps in getting back and searching it among others at later stages.
This needs no introduction. Whenever we find something interesting we always like to share it with friends and family. However, Diigo makes the result exciting as you will have worked on that web page with all the above mentioned tools. Counting the sharing options, you have Twitter, Facebook, email and a generic annotated link. I am sure that the list will grow with time.
Where’s All the Data?
All the pages that you work on go and reside in your Diigo account. You can access this account from any location and any device. Provided you have the Diigolet added on that device, you can continue your work from where you left on any of your devices. Besides, the account has a series of organizing capabilities, the details of which I will leave for you to figure out. 🙂
Diigo grabbed my attention at the very first glance. And as I explored more of it, I did not want to delay sharing the same with all our intelligent readers. It surely is something that covers a wide arena and I would like to see a lot of you posting comments as you experience its amazing features.