It’s not the end of the world, however. I will show you 4 no-nonsense Chrome extensions which will force you to get your work done. You can thank me later. Note:

1. No Cyrus

Do you remember that time you were supposed to be writing that quarterly report and decided to take a quick break? Miley Cyrus came in on her ####### ### and destroyed your focus with her music videos for over an hour and then you still were not finished with your report. To prevent this from ever happening again, you should give No Cyrus a try. No Cyrus will hide all mentions of Miley Cyrus while you are browsing using Google Chrome. It will replace all mentions of Miley with the pound (#) symbol as well as blur out related images, except those that appear on the In the news section of a Google search.

2. DO IT

2 More pages to go and you will be finished that final project for the semester. You know this quite well, but after working nonstop for 24 hours straight you are both tired and unmotivated. It’s just too difficult to finish reading the article you have opened in Chrome. It’s times like these that you need Shia Labeouf’s inspirational message. “Do it, do it! Don’t let your dreams be dreams!” Simply click on the DO IT! Google Chromeextension icon when you need a motivational boost and you will be able to undoubtedly destroy any amount of work sent your way. Shia will appear in person to make sure that you complete the task at hand.

3. Go F*cking Work

All of us have probably not felt like working at some point. It’s times like this that maybe we just need a kick in the butt to get us started. Go F*cking Work is an extension that will do just this. However, your self-esteem may be lowered in the process. But you should have probably thought of this before you let Facebook distract you. I took the screenshot above after trying to sneak in a quick Facebook break but I was sternly reminded of my mortality by this wonderful Chrome extension. After installing the extension, you will need to set the websites you don’t want to be distracted by. After doing this, whenever you try to visit any of the sites on your list, you will be shaken up by one out of a collection of cheeky messages. When you need to take a break from working, you can pause the extension for a set period of time. Don’t worry guys Guiding Tech is always allowed!

4. Website Destroyer

Sometimes we have to count our losses and burn our bridges… literally. After searching endlessly for relevant information pertaining to the project you’re working on, you finally find that website which can help you. Or so you thought. It’s another bust. The frustration you feel is unquantifiable. It’s probably not wise to toss your computer through the window, but Website Destroyer will allow you to ‘destroy’ the website in question. After installing this extension, when you right-click in Chrome and hover over Website Destroyer, you will be able to choose your weapon of choice and ‘destroy’ any upsetting websites.


Sorry guys, the only really useful extension here is Go F*cking Work since it will actually prod you in the direction of not wasting time on an unproductive site. Nonetheless, I hope I was, at least, able to give you a laugh with the others. ALSO READ: Gotta Go App from ‘Chelsea Does’ is Real, and Here’s How to Use it

4 Chrome Extensions that Force You to Get Work Done - 784 Chrome Extensions that Force You to Get Work Done - 394 Chrome Extensions that Force You to Get Work Done - 654 Chrome Extensions that Force You to Get Work Done - 754 Chrome Extensions that Force You to Get Work Done - 84 Chrome Extensions that Force You to Get Work Done - 224 Chrome Extensions that Force You to Get Work Done - 134 Chrome Extensions that Force You to Get Work Done - 79